22 April 2009


I entirely dig this article by Mark Bittman about the VB6 —Vegan Before Six— movement. It advocates eating vegan (or nearly-vegan) until dinner, which is something I can absolutely get behind, if not strictly. It actually shouldn't take too much modification for me, as I generally eat soup/salad/PB for lunch. Just have to cut eggs out of breakfast more often, and replace the turkey in my salads with black beans, but I could very happily survive. After two years as a vegetarian, I see the benefits of the lifestyle, though they don't outweigh the personal inconveniences on a social, economic, and now marital level. (Please, vegan advocates, rip me a new, dirty, chicken-eating one if you'd like; I love what you do, it just doesn't fit me at this point in my life! We all have our ways of reducing the impact, friends.)

So anywho. New goal, after I run to the grocery store next week— learn at least one new vegan recipe a week, preferably something hearty that I could convince Richard to eat on some days. I may steal my parents' slow cooker because basically everything made in a slow cooker tastes extraordinary. I've stocked up on vegan blog readings to do and admittedly feel a little overwhelmed, but I'll aim low for the time being.

Otherwise, I can always live entirely off of hummus.


  1. You can have my slow cooker! I'm not friends with it, despite several efforts and I'd rather give it to you than freecycle it.

  2. I may take you up on that! How big is it? Could I paypal you shipping costs/ some cash for the thing itself? I'd love to be able to take that off of our registry.

  3. I love the slow cookers! I use it quite a bit, like once a week or so. I just got the stuff to make some 16 bean soup.. so we'll see how that goes. Soup is pretty much my favorite thing.

    I like the whole going Vegan before 6 thing. I'm not sure if I could be able to follow it that much, but I've been working at eating vegan more again. After being a complete vegan for like, 9 months, I think I went a little crazy in the cheese and milk department! I never even cared for cheese before I stopped eating it!

    It's almost summer and I'm really excited about planting vegetables again! Basically tomato's are all I can handle (usually, I can still kill them) so it will be nice. Now I'm feeling like I need to move somewhere where I can have green, all year round.
