29 November 2010


What would you do if Facebook suddenly deleted your past albums?

I had over two thousand pictures of me tagged. I just deleted a bunch more of questionable content. (Heh.)

What would the me in those early photos, wearing a "booby" sweater and eyeliner and short, curled hair and squishing in as many people at the party into one frame say to the person I am now? I think I would've realized my life is pretty blessed at age twenty four (and I might've noticed that I stopped getting haircuts after college) but I wonder what else.

It's so cool to look back. A few moments of slapping my palm to my face a nanosecond before untagging— the worst were some of my comments. Why did I just not leave the caption fields blank?! But it makes me miss some of my friends, reflect on a couple of old boyfriends, wonder why I ever thought "orange" was an appropriate interior decorating scheme, shudder at the thought of gulping down drinks I wouldn't touch in my mid-twenties, remember Europe better, curse myself for ever thinking myself fat in college, and really, it makes me so happy I've found what I have.

Sort of as an aside, I miss flying to Killinchy and Newcastle over Christmas. Even though I will always take having Richard here over the separation, it was thrilling to get to visit somewhere and become a part of a vastly different and very welcoming new family. There are a lot of things we could use some extra money for at the minute, but I hope in the next year we find the resources to go back. I think it would be good for both of us, and for Richard's family especially. I would also like to go up to the McConnells' house for tea and cookies and bring them something nice from Texas. I think about those gentle ladies a lot for some reason, almost as much as the rest of his family.

The heart of marriage is memories; and if the two of you happen to have the same ones and can savor your reruns, then your marriage is a gift from the gods. —Bill Cosby

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